Monday, February 7, 2011

Ramiccio - Just like a bad penny?

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Only ten years has passed since Tom Ramiccio was Lake Worth's mayor. Ramiccio and Romano were like watching a ping pong game. They both liked the Plunge for the Grunge, literally.

Tom Ramiccio has had his feelers out for sometime about running for Lake Worth Mayor, again. Now the PB Post confirms this rumor. Just like a bad penny, he won't go away.

Tom won his election as Lake Worth mayor in 1997. In 1999 he was re-elected. During his second term as mayor, he violated Section 112.313(6), Florida Statutes; whereas the State imposed a civil penalty of $2,000; and issued a public censure and reprimand for his strong-arm tactics against the owner of one of our downtown shops. He did not like her putting a campaign sign in her window of the opponent. His witnesses were: Bjon Javid, Barbara Massey, Wendy Newmeyer, H. Patrick Parrish of the Lake Worth Herald, and Marianne Webber.

Funny stuff as we see campaign signs in the window of one of his "witnesses" every election cycle and of course the Lake Worth Herald is always playing politics.

On March 13, 2001, Tom Ramiccio lost his reelection to Rodney Romano, 2216 to 1499 votes. He was president of the local Chamber of Commerce and ended up losing that job too. Rumor has it that he reverted to his strong-arming that got him in difficulties. He sued the Chamber and Commissioner Mulvehill. The Chamber settled with him for an unknown amount.


  1. Can you provide a link to the PBP article which mentions this? I can't seem to find it.

  2. yes, we don't want him to run again. I don't believe in settling law suits so some jerk can be awarded money even when he's wrong.

  3. "Want Ramiccio, mayor? Does anyone want to sit on the rough end of a pineapple?"


  4. I didn't see anything in the PBP either. I found this from 4/2/09

    Is that what you're refering to? GR

  5. It was easy to miss--

  6. I would never vote for that snake, he lies and cannot be trusted. Our city and its people deserve better. He cannot even spell and he was a bad mayor before. He has a huge EGO---Dr. Wayne Dyer says, EGO stands for edging God out, Ramiccio acts so holy, but he is not, only cares about lining his own pocket. Don't vote for him!

  7. Ramiccio called out the L.W. P.D. swat team on myself and others who were LEGALLY collecting petitions for the Super majority in downtown Lake Worth.Ramiccio understands government,like the kind they have in CUBA. Katie Mcgiveron

  8. Tom is the poster child of the joke "How can you tell when a politician is lying? His mouth is moving" He can look you in the eye and tell you he believes one way and within hours vote the exact opposite. He has never met a camera he didn't like, though.
