Monday, February 7, 2011

PBSO's Trip to Haiti

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The following is footage of the Palm Beach Sheriff's Office District 14's trip to Haiti in November 2010. Mark Parilla, owner of WebMark Productions, edited, produced and donated the video. He explained the video by describing it as follows, "It is about Capt. Silva and his team on a relief mission to deliver aid to National Haitian Police as well as medical supplies and food."

He further stated, "Our local officers were one of the few law enforcement departments that got involved with Haiti Relief efforts to the extent of taking two trips, the second right in the midst of a catastrophic cholera outbreak. They collected 80k worth of donations to take on their most recent trip and paid their own travel expenses. These donations weren't caught up in the muck and mire of Haitian politics but went directly into the hands of National Haitian Police officers. The food and medical supplies went to many sick and hungry people."


  1. I think it is great that the USA and even here in Lake Worth we are helping others, the USA is known for that, we are a very giving and generous nation. This is wonderful. What I see the problem being is that we attract or try to get all these Haitians or other immigrants to come here to build our populations/development, but do not help people assimilate as much as maybe we did before, I see so many Haitians and Hispanics here who just do not seem to fit in, both language and the way they behave, they just do not seem like they feel comfortable here or know how to behave. It is complete culture shock to so many immigrants, we displace people when we just allow so much immigration at one time, not helping them to adjust or fit in, we just give them a lot of government assistance and then make them dependent on their new government, the USA, then they do not want to work or be someone on their own. They are then displaced further, creating animosity and second class level of citizens. We need to stop displacing people out of our own greed to use others or grow our population here. We need to stop wanting them as our modern day slaves too.

  2. Oh, now it's our fault these people are displaced! Is this sort of crap ever going to end? Seriously. You sound like a wonderful and caring person but to blame it on this country is so far left of left and a reason why we have so many illegal aliens here.

  3. The "best commission ever" made Lake Worth a haven for undocumented aliens, allowed the city to become a third world slum and have no answers. Still think they are "the best commission ever"?

  4. Is this some sort of personal harassment? The ONLY commissioner on this Commission who voted originally for The Mentoring Center was Golden. This Commission, including Golden, voted to END THE LEASE. So, stop the crap.

  5. Lynn,

    Thank you for sharing this video. It was not easy to do considering how powerful the footage was and while working on it there were times I got so overwhelmed I had to stop and come back later. This is under eight minutes of what was an eleven day humanitarian mission. I was very impressed with our local sheriff's department and proud too. They did the fundraising themselves, coordinated everything. They even got the ambulance the city sent to St. Marc (Sister City) out of port that had been sitting there for quite sometime. I truly believe that because so many of our local LWPD stayed on with the Sheriff was the perfect recipe for a group of dedicated individuals some with multiple years of experience on our very streets. Who better to serve us and keep us safe? It is just my opinion but I do believe Lake Worth did the right thing by merging with PBSO and we are getting more than what we bargained for. They are really doing incredible work in our city. When I delivered the video there was a briefing room full of children in the "First Tee Program" I didn't want to leave watching the children being taught a sport and through that life coping skills that will build better residents for our future. Thank again Lynn.
