Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Message from Florida Hometown Democracy

The hand-wringing of newspaper editorial pages continues over the promised demise of the Department of Community Affairs, the State’s growth oversight agency. Of course, the media lied through their teeth about Amendment 4, and now it’s back to business as usual.

One break from the usual bad news, Floridians have a unique opportunity to give themselves and future generations a remarkable gift. A proposal is being floated to turn 150,000 acres north of Lake Okeechobee into a refuge.

Let’s all do our part and make sure this happens. Please send your comment before February 28 to: Cheri Ehrhardt, Natural Resource Planner, Everglades Headwaters Proposal, PO Box 2683, Titusville, FL 32781

Do you really want to see the entire state of Florida paved over?

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