Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hear Allen West today at CPAC

Allen West is scheduled to speak

Here is part of his message:
Greetings Fellow Patriot!

I am incredibly honored to now be serving as Florida's 22 nd District Congressional Representative, and I am prepared to face the difficult, but achievable, task of restoring our republic to greatness and bringing honor and integrity back to Washington D.C.

This coming Saturday, February 12, I have been invited to be the keynote speaker at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C.You can register to watch the CPAC conference live on your computer at

I will also be posting a YouTube video of my speech next week, so please keep an eye out for an email with that.

Last November I sent a message to the liberal progressive machine and the Washington establishment that our country must go back to the principles that made America great. It is time for a dawning of a new America where limited government spending, support of small businesses and a commitment to our armed services is once again status quo.

With our country's debt still skyrocketing, our country's workers still unemployed and our country's armed services still engaged in two wars against totalitarian theocratic political ideology, it is time to take action.

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