Saturday, February 12, 2011

Choices have to pass the Smell Test

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The Washington Post's reporters, Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake, have admonished Col. Allen West for allowing Mark Foley to introduce him at a recent office opening. The Washington Post has rated him #3 for Congressmen on the offensive. It pains me to say this but I am rating him #453 for a stupid move.

I e-mailed Allen West's office after an article came out in the PB Post and asked him what was he thinking? This gives ammunition to the liberal rags like New Times Broward/Palm Beach to stay on the West attack. Now we have The Washington Post in the act. This was not a sensible choice and frankly, I am disappointed in West. It didn't pass the smell test. People don't forgive and forget that easily particularly when it comes to past actions of Foley.

A harsh critique:
From the Washington Post: Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.): West will receive a hero's welcome tonight when he delivers the keynote address to close out CPAC 2011. But the conservative activists who revere him at the national level won't do West much good as he seeks to hold on to the very competitive 22nd district in 2012. West has displayed some uneven judgment during his first few months in office; the latest example was having disgraced former Rep. Mark Foley(R) introduce him at the opening of his West Palm Beach office. (Previous ranking: 3)

1 comment:

  1. Allen doesn't seem to do what's "politically correct" EVER. Thank God. It is such a pleasure to hear someone talk off the cuff, clearly, out of one side of his mouth. Mark Foley introduced me to Col. West at Lake Worth Beach where our new representative came to show his respect for our fallen home town hero.

    Almost the next day, Foley expressed his support for ending the "don't ask, don't tell" policy in the military that Bill Clinton, a gay friendly president instituted several years ago to address the fact that homosexuality is taboo in the military.

    Col. West afterward addressed the proposed elimination of the policy and called it a mistake, stating that ones sexuality has no place in the military. That he, as a married straight officer, is prohibited from holding his wife's hand while walking on base.

    Why should we be bending over backwards to allow people to "openly" be gay in the military.

    What does that mean? Will our military parades be somewhat more colorful?

    What Foley did was inappropriate. Supposedly drunk, he IM'd a 17 year old gay page. He was treated the same if he'd been a straight older man IM'ing a 17 year old girl. Inappropriate, but not rising to illegal. Embarrassing for the GOP? Ya think?

    Better being introduced by Mark Foley showing he is tolerant, but still sticks by what he thinks is right shows further he is a leader that we all can support. While he doesn't support Foley's position, he is still supported by Foley. I may not agree with everything he stands for, but Lt. Col. West is still someone I support as a leader. I wish him the BEST.
