Thursday, December 9, 2010

Split-Up Growth Bill by Mike Bennett

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Mike Bennett, developer and politician from Bradenton as well as President Pro-Tempore of the Florida Senate and author of Senate Bill 360, will re-file a split-up growth bill. If you recall, Bill 360 passed in the Fl Senate and in the House but Tallahassee Circuit Judge Charles Francis declared the law unconstitutional in August 2010, claiming it was an unfunded mandate

Backers of SB 360, a coalition of business groups and developers, said the bill would encourage development in the urban areas by making it less expensive for private developers, who would otherwise focus on less densely populated areas and contribute further to urban sprawl.

Herald Tribune

1 comment:

  1. "urban" is a very broad term, as this legislature has defined it.For example, it can mean somewhere that now has one dwelling per 5 acres of land. Cities will now have to foot the bill for development. Developers will have more money left over to pay off (I mean donate to the campaigns of ) Senator Mike Bennett.Towns and taxpayers that are already broke will just have to come up with more money. Everybody gets screwed with this bill. EXCEPT the politicians and their developer masters.
