Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dream Act

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Last night, the lame-duck Congress passed the Dream Act. Ron Klein voted for it. 208 Democrats and 8 Republicans voted FOR it.

"American workers should not have to compete with illegal immigrants for jobs," said Lamar Smith during the debate. "Once these kids become citizens, they can bring in their brothers and sisters and parents, who can bring in others in an endless chain."

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) said the bill would mostly benefit minorities and argued they would therefore be given preference over U.S.-born citizens if they gained legal status. "This bill will give foreigners who are here illegally preferences above American citizens," Rohrabacher said. "This is no Dream Act. It is an affirmative-action amnesty nightmare."

This morning, the Senate voted 59-40 to table its version of DREAM Act so lawmakers can vote on the version that passed the House instead. This will come up sometime next week and it is a do or die vote. If it passes, it will be the largest amnesty since 1986 with the Center for Immigration Studies saying it will cost the citizen taxpayer up to $6.2 billion a year.


  1. Anyone who voted yes on this will be kicked out of office. I guess these idiots just forgot about what happened in the last election.There is still a lot of garbage left to take out,but the American people will not forget this act against America and it's citizens.

  2. I get tickled every time I review your site and see that photo of Harry Reid giving the American public the finger.

