Monday, December 27, 2010

Rick Scott's Regulatory Reform Transition

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Scott's Regulatory reform transition Plan

On page 53, talking about the Department of Community Affairs, we learn that Rick Scott's Transition Team waged a 10 year war against Florida Hometown Democracy.

It states: We need to be smarter. We just won a 10 year war on Hometown Democracy (aka Amendment 4). Itchy trigger policy could have significant consequences.

Princeton University Prof. Alan Krueger, a former U.S. Treasury Department official said, "Scott's transition team mis-used my study and even spelled my name wrong."


  1. Kreuger's a big pal of the Unions and other left-wing organizations - see for yourself. Socialism LOST this one - thanks Rick Scott

  2. Alan B. Krueger is the Bendheim Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University, and was Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy and Chief Economist at the U.S. Treasury Department from February 2009 until November 2010.

    Send me a link that shows he is a Socialist. In the meantime, this was about the powerful money people who defeated Amendment 4. It gave a quote from Krueger to show that even his Report was compromised by these powerful people who are hell bent on getting their way with our State of Florida. That was my point/insinuation.
