Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Immigration Population Explosion

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Census: Population Up 27 Million in Just 10 Years

"Projections into the future from the Census Bureau show we are on track to add 130 million more people to the U.S. population in the next 40 years, primarily due to future immigration."

Read about it HERE.


  1. This will be heaven for developers not to mention the Chamber.

  2. This is the lowest 10 year percentage increase in national population since 1930-1940.

  3. And your point is? We are soon to be at an unsustainable population growth no matter what has happened percentage wise since 1930. More people want to come here than any other country on Earth. Why is that? Everything is GIVEN TO THEM. Because we have lax immigration laws. We have NO clue as to how many illegals are here. The estimate is anywhere from 11 to 22 million and even higher.
