Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day of Reckoning - The Union problem

States have to tighten their belts and this has been done in the City of Lake Worth. Just take a look at the 2011 Budget. Unions are the culprits all over the country and what do they do when they do not get their way? They sue. Recently they sued us.

Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie says, "The day of reckoning has arrived."

This Spring, $160 BILLION in stimulus runs out for the States. What then? Do the Unions keep on suing? Members of these Unions argue that they teach our kids; they protect our safety; they rescue us when we have a medical emergency and therefore they deserve top pay, benefits and retirement for life. Are there any logical Union workers out there who are not greedy? They should continue to serve the community rather than serving themselves.

We have a cost conscious City Manager with Susan Stanton. All of the residents of Lake Worth should be supporting her efforts in this regard. Instead, there are a few angry, selfish and/or confused people who are siding with the Unions to the detriment of our city.

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