Sunday, December 12, 2010

Illegals want the whole Enchilada

"Our government has demonstrated a complete lack of urgency to control illegal immigration both on the borders and within the interior. Because of their failure to manage this issue, that which has traditionally been the American way of welcoming immigration, has now divided the country. This is because of one word, illegal."

We have citizens here in Lake Worth who like to call themselves "progressive." They refer to our City the same way-- "progressive," and we have all these "progressives" here and across our country to thank for this failed anti-enforcement approach. What is American, is opposing the illegal who has crossed our borders. We need to enforce our laws. With the new Republican Congress, it should be able to set the record straight on what is un-American-- an illegal in our country. To read more go to Immigration Counters.

NumbersUSA says, "As a flawed interpretation of the 14th Amendment and with birthright citizenship never intended to be the law of the land, birthright citizenship accounts for more than 380,000 children each year, born to illegal alien mothers that automatically become citizens simply because their mothers gave birth on U.S. soil."

If you want to read all the latest polls and opinions on the subject of illegal immigration, click HERE

The Senate will be debating this again this week. The American citizen will be subjected to more radical debates and open border discussions. It all boils down to protecting Americans versus illegals who want the whole enchilada. So, continue to make your phone calls and send faxes.

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