Sunday, December 12, 2010

2010 Lake Worth Christmas Parade & Party Time

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Marching and Music and lots of Holiday spirit...this City is the greatest! Last night was a testament to that--mobbed by thousands in our downtown to enjoy our hour long parade that was the best one ever! Kudos to all who participated and all those who found a parking space!

2010 X'mas Parade & Party


  1. Baloney Lynn, There was no Tree Board entry this year because the ex-Prez didn't coordinate and no one else picked up the baton! All the 2010 entries were from out of town. Maybe ROLOH should enter a single family anti-immigrant float!

  2. I have asked people not to get personal here--speak to the issue. What baloney? That we had a parade? No where did I talk about the Tree Board. Not all the entries were from out of town. And what does ROLOH have to do with anything here? I am NOT a member of ROLOH and do not live in their neighborhood. Because you obviously support illegal immigration (your sarcasm is the hint) has nothing to do with our Parade or ROLOH. Learn to read English. Are you an Illegal?

  3. One more thing--Baloney is full of it. What do you have against single family neighborhoods? I know. You are mad because you weren't invited to the party. For the New Year perhaps the city will build a highrise across the street from your single family house, but wait a minute, we have a responsible city commission that is trying to get the Comp Plan going. It is held up because LaSonna and those who make their money off of development want to build high and ruin the single family neighborhoods across the City. You lucked out.

  4. It really was a fun night and parade. I saw Parrot Cove float, Retha Lowe's little granddaughter marching, Dave's Last Resort, Brouges and we attracted a lot of people to our town.

  5. LW is a fun town. My entire family enjoyed the parade. Thanks Lake worth.

  6. My family and I really enjoyed the parade. This event is a very positive one for our city. We have a very wonderful and diverse population,and it shows! I love seeing all of the different school bands. The length was perfect,not too long. The only thing I might say-People,PLEASE leave your poor dogs at home! They DON'T enjoy all of the really loud noise!
