Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Allen West on WikiLeaks - Assange lied

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Yesterday, Congressman elect Allen West compared the publication of U.S. classified documents by WikiLeaks to the “aiding and abetting of a serious crime.” Read more about it.

Allen West on WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks accused us of killing innocent civilians but it failed to show all of the photos: RPG launcher and RPG rounds scattered on the ground. The men were armed. They were not "innocent civilians" as Assange claimed. There was deception in the reporting and in the editing.

We now will have tighter security because of what Assange has done and that's the good that came out of this criminal act. With Michael Moore agreeing with Assange's politics by putting up bail money for the accused rapist, is over the top in left-wing progressive politics.


  1. I find it amusing that you you posted about Bill of Rights Day and then about Allen West wanting to censor the press! I guess he forgot about the First Amendment;

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

  2. I am happy to know that someone finds this amusing--espionage and compromising our intelligence all over the world as well as our troops that are in harm's way. These docs were stolen and published...a crime. Free speech has nothing to do with criminal acts. Free speech only can go so far. It is not absolute. Allen West knows more about history than most folks and he would never forget or confuse what is right with what is wrong.

  3. Lynn,

    West is punishing the messengers, not the criminals. Any attempt at censorship of the press is dangerous.

    Let him or anyone else go after the people who hacked / stole the material. But to prevent newspapers, TV, and blogs from reporting it is downright Unconstitutional. West is going to swear to Protect The Constitution when he is inaugurated, that means all of it, whether he likes it or not.

    "A free press can be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom a press will never be anything but bad." ~Albert Camus

  4. Here is what Allen West was talking about.

  5. The only problem was, Allen didn’t say “censor” here on BlogTalkRadio; he said “censure”—as he was compelled to point out on his Facebook page amidst the viral comedy of errors.


  6. I am heard on the African-American Conservative Radio Show saying the media should be censured- meaning "harshly criticized." In no way would I ever ask to "censor" anyone or any organization. Of course, very few news organizations are even printing this reply so here it is for you so you understand my intention and my vision as a leader:

    "It has never been my intent to quiet or censor the press or anyone for that matter utilizing their right of freedom of speech granted to them under this country's great American Constitution. The confusion comes with the word censor...when I meant censure- in context that the media should be harshly criticized for printing the damaging documents Assange has released which so clearly puts our soldiers and country at risk."

    Allen West

  7. In my opinion Mr. West is backpedaling.

    Did you listen to the tape, I did.
    He clearly says "censoring".

    Even if West had "meant" only punishing the media and said “censure” he would be violating the spirit of the First Amendment.

  8. Censor or censure, perhaps he has a lisp. I think the govt should prosecute the New York Times and go after Assange for whatever they can get him for.
