Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A "Winner" of McMow stained glass

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Well now that Shanon Materio is in the minds of some Lake Worth residents because of this past election and her active participation in the process, (attack mailers and other shenanigans) her stained glass that was given as a prize in a drawing for the Tropical Ridge Neighborhood Association to raise money, has a winner.

According to TRNA's web site: " Lauretta Zugner is Tropical Ridge’s grand prize winner of the Art for I.D. raffle. Taylor Materio drew the winning ticket from a total of 90 entries at the November 1st TRNA meeting. Lauretta will be presented the beautiful stained glass window that was created and donated to the Tropical Ridge Neighborhood Association by McMow Art Glass. The window, measuring 32 1/4" wide by 18 1/4" high features cut stained glass in shades of pink, green and lavender with clear glass bevels. The retail value of the window is $530."

All the neighborhood associations are desirous of banners to advertise their neighborhoods and TRNA raised $450 dollars towards its neighborhood identification program.

Can we get rid of the rest of the signs hanging and placed all over the City causing blight? Snipe signs are litter and I know a perfect resident to remove the signs as he admits he removed Amendment 4 signs during the election. Perhaps the City can give him a special job for his special talent.

P.S. I have been told by a source that the winner of the McMow glass actually works for Ms. Materio.


  1. This post is totally disgraceful. For you to imply or insinuate in any way whatsoever that this raffle was anything but a totally fair and honest process is completely without merit. Shannon & Phil Materio donated that beautiful piece of glass to the Tropical Ridge Neighborhood Association, of which they are both members, for us to raise money for the neighborhood identification project. Ryan, myself and other Association members worked very, very hard to sell raffle tickets at every possible opportunity. The mere suggestion that the selection of the winner was biased is baseless and without any shred of evidence other then your own personal dislike of the Materio's and your rampant paranoia. You owe them, Tropical Ridge and Ms. Zugner an apology.

    The neighborhood identification project is something that the Associations' worked to accomplish for YEARS. It is about time that the Commission recognized our desire to take pride in where we live. If you don't like them, then talk to the people in YOUR Association and do something about YOUR neighborhood. Stop trying to ruin it for the rest of us.

  2. Jessica- TOTALLY DISGRACEFUL? Is that all? I have absolutely NO paranoia when it comes to Mrs. Materio and her politics, I can assure you.
    As far as the winner of the glass, it is what it is.
    And as far as my Association, my community is not in an NA Assn but I can also assure you that we have NO blight here and we don't need a banner to instill pride in where we live.

  3. Jessica, take a damn pill! What is your problem?!? The article never stated that any funny business with the raffle happened. Your hysterical brain did that all on it's own!This article described the article that was raffled off, and the winner of the raffle. And that the winner happened to work for Mcmow. SO??? Here's some REAL funny business for you, Jessica,,, remember how you and your boyfriend had to secretly change the meeting night for your neighborhood assoc so that the two of you could vote yourselves into office and take over the neighborhood association?Jessica, freaks like you, who live in glass houses(oh no,Jessica,was that a hidden swipe at Mcmow art glass?!?)shouldn't throw stones.

  4. Katie, why do you need to resort to ad hominem attacks? Ms. Zugner is NOT an employee of McMow. She, like hundreds of other local residents, has taken a class at their studio. The raffle drawing took place over 10 days ago. Why is this even a post? Why put winner in quotation marks if not to insinuate that something was going on? Why drag yourself into this, Katie?

  5. To set the record straight, Loretta Zugner is a patron of McMow Art Glass. McMow, along woth many other local businesses, sold raffle tickets for the TRNA. The drawing was done in front of an audience by the daughter of the very generous proprietors of McMow. After the drawing, tickets were playfully sifted through by some audience members to see who would have been picked next and Lisa Maxwell was chosen. What a field day you would have had with that, Lynn.

    Regardless if the words were there or not, an insinuation was made in your post regarding the legitimacy of this drawing, Lynn. Shannon Materio has done nothing but positive things for the Tropical Ridge neighborhood. The Materio’s are active members in our organization who participate in almost every event held. Shannon has fought to keep this organization alive in its darkest times and has kept her thriving business planted here as a symbol of hope. While I know that you’ll never acquiesce, you owe Shannon and the Tropical Ridge Association an apology.

  6. Ryan-You can read and interpret the written word in any way that you wish--your perogative. That is why the bible is interpreted in a million different ways. Whenever Shanon apologizes for what she did in this last election with lies and personal malicious attacks, then there might be some room for me to even recognize any insinuation that you have read into my blog. Until then, please have your good friend Shanon Materio apologize to Christopher McVoy...have her apologize for the sign at the Cultural Plaza, have her apologize for her attack mailers and all the other crapola she pulled...etc., etc., etc. and have her get over all her bitterness that is unjustified.

  7. And last, but not certainly least, her deal with the devil by accepting contributions from Sun Recycling. No matter how "wonderful" someone may be as a business owner, I look at the overall picture and it's not about stained glass for me.
