Tuesday, November 16, 2010


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3 escape exit doors--perfect for a prison.
Actually, a prison is more attractive than this.
Lucky Hammon Park residents who get to look at this, day in and day out
especially since it consumes the entire area where their pool and
recreation was to be located. Can they get their money back?

Perhaps Publix has something in mind as they go forward--fake windows, fake doors, fake facade--it certainly won't be landscaping on the street side of Dixie as there are NO set-backs just a cement block building nearly to the sidewalk.

Good going, Planning & Zoning.
Good going, Commission.


  1. Looks like something Wes Blackmann would have approved.

  2. Wes Blackman was not involved in the approval of this site plan. You can thank your current city leadership for this.

  3. Maybe, just maybe it is a bit premature to discuss the building aesthetics. I will wait to see the finished facade, which is the part that we the public will actually see each day when completed.

    The shell of just about every single retail building is pretty boring or even prison like if you must. Boring code stuff like emergency exits, truck wells, loading doors, etc. are all absolutely horrible stuff. Critiquing the building now is fun though!

    I can't wait until they start (re) construction of the Casino Building, I'm sure it will border on horrid for months and months.

    Chris Fleming

  4. This is clearly not what the building will look like when complete. I have never seen a grocery store - even in really bad neighborhoods - look like this upon completion. If you had attended the Mango Groves NA meeting last spring you could have seen the drawings for the building. The building will have an Art Deco appearance and will look very stylish. I live about 3 blocks from where they are building this Publix and can not wait until it opens. They obviously had to make due with limited space, but I am beyond certain it will not resemble a prison when complete.

    Go to this link to see what it will actually look like upon completion - http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/lake-worth-commission-paves-way-for-new-publix-47971.html

  5. You all are correct--the finished product will look quite different and attractive, I am sure. One of the arguments back then for it was that it was going to create jobs and tax base for LW. First of all, it won't be any larger than the one we have right here in LW now. All those people will be offered jobs to re-locate to the new store as the one on LW Road will close. The tax money goes to the CRA, not the City. What we will have is a new store, downtown, next to a residential neighborhood and all the customers that so many people object to (non English speaking) will be going to the new store.

  6. Actually the new store is approximately 28,000 SF versus the current Town and Country Plaza stire which is approx 43,000 sf. There will be less employees in the new store. We hope that Publix does the right thing and waits for a new anchor tenant for the old space or better yet keeps the store open for a while. 13 local businesses in the Town and Country Plaza rely on Publix for their traffic.
