Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunset Case Update

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More and more delays by Sunset Drive Holdings on the Sunset Case and our Comp Plan of which LaSonna Hayes is a part. Larry Smith, attorney for the investors, continues to talk about EAR's, etc., the same old stuff he has been talking about for years.

Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation
Wes Blackman is down as an expert witness. We already know he is against the neighborhood.

Agreed Motion for Order of Continuance
Constant delays from this bunch.

The Sunset situation has dragged on for 5 years and now it is assigned to a brand new assistant city attorney? Who does she represent anyway? We don't know.


  1. Wes Blackman is not against the neighborhood - he happens to be a professional urban planner that is being used for his expertise.

  2. Sorry, Wes. It was sort of assumed when you voted to up-zone that parcel and the neighborhood spoke out against it, that you were against the residents of ROLOH. Silly of us to think you were against us and voted contrary to the Master Plan.

  3. Sunset was Wes Blackmans idea of appropriate development? Is Wes actually licensed?He doesn't remember the room overflowing with furious people from the neighborhood saying"DON'T WRECK OUR NEIGHBORHOOD WITH THIS INSANITY "?! Obviously Wes was so busy bending over for his developer masters that no blood made it to his brain.
