Monday, November 15, 2010

The Baddest Big Bully of Business

"We're not a political organization," says Beth Johnston, Director of the Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce.

The Florida Chamber of Commerce is behind the PAC, Citizens for Lower Taxes, that raised nearly $15 million dollars to defeat Amendment 4 saying that this amendment would have cost jobs, hurt business and hurt Florida families. And now the Chamber is thanking all those who voted NO. I guess so. It cost them a hell of a lot of dough and most people had no idea what in heck they were voting for after The Chamber went on its political rampage.

Ok, Beth. You won this one. You can take your sign down now. In fact, do you even have a permit to have it up there? The election has been over for nearly two weeks. Signs must come down within 3 days. Beth, get a job.

Note: I copped the title from a friend of Amendment 4.

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