Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Obama's Deficit Commission Wants to Jerk around Seniors

Leaders of President Obama's bipartisan deficit commission are proposing to reduce the annual cost-of-living increases in Social Security. Great. The government gave no COLA increase this year so you can't get much more of a reduction than that.

The proposal would also set a tough target for curbing the growth of Medicare. And it recommends looking at eliminating popular tax breaks, such as mortgage interest deduction. That will really help us get out of the housing slump.

Read Obama's Executive Order that established a National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. The Commission is charged with making bipartisan recommendations to balance the budget by achieving deficits of about three percent of GDP by 2015. Its recommendations are due on December 1.

We can bail out banks. We can bail out corporations. We can give favorable trade status to every country in the world it seems. We can give Stimulus to States that are operating in the Red. We allow corporations to off-shore jobs. We can allow illegals to enter our country and receive benefits. But let's screw the Seniors, the people who worked all of their lives.

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