Monday, November 22, 2010

John F. Kennedy - Anniversary of his death

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The 35th President of the United States was assassinated 47 years ago today at age 46.

Was the assassination a conspiracy? Was it a single act by Lee Harvey Oswald?

Tonight at 7pm, the Discovery Channel (DSC) will air Inside the Target Car and a documentary on the Secret Service before the main show at 9pm, The Kennedy Detail, regarding that fateful day in Dallas, November 22, 1963 and the theories of the Secret Service whose job it was to protect the President.


  1. Several very powerful groups had reasons to want Kennedy dead. Tragically ,our president was assassinated.I am no fan of Kennedy. If he had lived,I think that he would have been remembered in a much different light.

  2. I think that he will be remembered as a great President. He started the Peace Corps. He diverted a nuclear war with Khrushchev. He will be remembered for saying, "Don't ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." You have to remember, this was before everyone thought they were entitled to everything without having to work for it.
