Monday, November 22, 2010

Allen West tells it like it is

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"Let us judge men not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character," said Allen West.

Allen West's first meeting of The Congressional Black Caucus was delayed. He was interviewed outside. Below is a clip of that interview:

Black Caucus preaches victimazation and dependency by promoting dependence on government welfare programs, say Allen West.

From The Wall Street Journal:

ALLEN WEST: The American people are looking for individuals that resemble who they are, who are not part of what they now see as a ruling-class elitism, a political class.

And I think that is why you see 83 new GOP House members. It was not so much about rewarding the Republican Party, but rewarding people that they thought were different from what Washington resembles.

People stood up and said, it is the indomitable entrepreneurial spirit of the American small-business owner and corporate businessmen and women that will give us long-term, sustainable economic growth. That is the message that won in 2010.

West "gives it to" John Lewis and Alcee Hastings--

1 comment:

  1. Congressman Allen West represents a species more rare than a Florida Panther-an honest politician !God bless Congressman West and his family !
