Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tell the Fat-Cats NO on November 2 - Vote YES on Amendment 4

This is what's it all about folks--fat cats that do not have enough money--they never have enough. They want to bleed this State dry and pave it all over. And guess who pays for all this nonsense? YOU, in more taxes. One of the biggest fat-cats of all is Wayne Huizenga who is supporting Vote No. I guess he doesn't have enough luxury boats and Lear jets. Who was it that said "only the little guys pay taxes?" Leona Helmsley would fit right in with these folks. She went to prison as I recall.

We have a few here locally against Amendment 4 (Realtors, developers) and one group is this BAC PAC that has an interest in tearing up our City and soliciting contributions from anyone, no matter how questionable. They want to build high. They want to stop the Casino. They support the flim-flam man over public control of our beach. They support Lisa Maxwell with a very questionable record with heavy ties to developers who voted for The Lucerne and against an entire single family neighborhood. And they support Carla Blockson who has come out publicly for Greater Bay, a company that NEVER performed. Can you imagine anyone still wanting to give control of our most valuable asset, our beachfront, to a flipper with 9 pages of judgments?

Is this who you want to lead our City? Mayor?

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