Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Amendment 4 gets first newspaper endorsement

Comment Up
"We agree that there are risks with Amendment 4, but the status quo has proved so risky that it led to a near-depression that has lasted years, with no end in sight. Maybe it’s time we trust the people most affected by decisions made by local lawmakers and developers. Life is full of risks, so why not gamble on the people who’ve paid the price when ambitious developers court lawmakers willing to be compromised."

Read about it here


  1. Lyn McNamara and Dee Anderson I am reserving one tear to shed for each of you on Nov. 2nd when the results come in showing doomed amendment 4 not having acheived enough votes for the supermajority required for it to pass! (The surname mix up was intentional just in case you were wondering) You two should collaborate on a new blog since you both seem to see things in the same light and have the same writing skills. Lyn at least your blog has one person who posts responses on her blog resonating the sound of one hand clapping. Dee has ZERO, so she posts response comments to her own blog posts, now you must admit that is PATHETICALLY hilarious! Lyn at least there is no doubt you were born a real woman.

  2. To the little cowardly weasel who just posted above, and who is probably one of those little sheep that goes baa, baa, baa all day long following Wes Blackman... following the corrupt status quo around here in Lake Worth--Amendment 4 will be hard to pass--We already know that. We have everything against us...the money, the lies and the corruption. So, if we do win, we already know that it will be an act of God--something you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.
    AND HOW DARE YOU BE SO MEAN TO SOMEONE. Hey, I offer you a guest blogger spot any time. Let's see how literate YOU are. No wonder you are not on a City Board. You must be someone only a Mother would love.
    And next time, weasel, use your real name or stay under that rock and don't come here..

  3. Tellthetruth-Could YOU have managed to put something on a statewide ballot?Could you have had the guts to stand and fight for something for seven years in spite of countless political dirty tricks? Could YOU have survived being hauled in front of the Florida Supreme Court Seven times on merit-less charges that you had to spend time defending, nonetheless ?Could YOU have collected over one million signed petitions statewide?YOU couldn't even give your real name. Pathetic.
