Sunday, October 24, 2010

Scott Maxwell and his Town Hall Meetings - Are they all about Politics?

To what started out as a nice idea, a District 1 Community Meeting held at the Gym in the Osborne area in order to inform the citizens, has turned out to be what we all suspected--politics. Maxwell is now calling his meetings "town" meetings. They have nothing to do with informing the people in his district but they are all about getting out the vote for Blockson and Lisa Maxwell.

Commissioner Scott Maxwell, who is working very hard behind the scenes (we have to wonder how he has time just to be a Commissioner) to turn the dais on November 2, has scheduled two more Town Hall Meetings on the Utility, with high electric and water bills being the hot ticket item for all Lake Worthians, right before the election. The meetings are as follows:

October 30 at Iglesia Puerta Del Cielo, 709 N F St at 10am

November 1 at South Grade Elementary, 716 S K St at 6pm

As everyone knows, we are paying for upgrades to our Utility. We are going forward with our Reverse Osmosis System ( a move that he blames on high water rates). Even without this direction, we would have had to pay 25 million to build an interconnection with PBC and purchase the necessary capacity at the PBC water treatment plant. Commissioner Maxwell as well as his "candidates," Blockson and Lisa Maxwell, complain about high rates but offer NO solutions for reductions and obviously do not understand that we have to pay either either case, we would have had to raise rates.

The Commission must direct the City Manager to stop this cunning and devious political ploy immediately by telling Commissioner Maxwell that no city staff will be involved in his meetings.

Rumor has it that he wants to run for Mayor next year. Is this deja vu?

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