Sunday, October 24, 2010

General Contractor for Casino

Does Staff really run this City?

Responses from the general contractors responding to the RFQ were opened on October 13. City Staff met on October 19th to rank the proposals and to hear the presentations. Staff picked the following:

Hedrick Brothers
Morganti Group
Kaufman Lynn

Supposedly these three firms will make a presentation at City Hall and the Commission will rank and then select the top ranked firm.

I find it rather incredible that Staff, consisting of
Rebecca Mattey
Joseph Kroll
Steven Carr
Walt Smyser
Rachel Smithson

are experts on what firm would be best for our Casino. Don't you? Why did not all six firms come before the City Commission? As one resident said, "I didn't elect staff to make these decisions."

If it were not for Straticon, this entire Casino project would not even have gotten off its feet...the building would have been demolished. If you recall, it was Straticon that brought in Nutting Engineers that drilled 10 inches into the test area structures, with 3 inch diameters to test the salt and chloride in the cement. They tested the strength. Remember, this was poured concrete and this building has lasted since it was built in 1922 other than some spires and roof and some upper decking. This was done around the parameter of the building. Now Straticon has been removed from consideration by Staff. This company deserves much better.

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