Sunday, September 26, 2010

Vote Allen West - The Best

Now, who would you rather have as our U.S. Congressman?
  • A 22 year Veteran War hero who devoted his life to making America safe or someone who has voted to give away the farm and has driven us further and further into a debt for which we may never recover?
  • Someone who has paid off his debts or someone who does a despicable act of releasing an opponents social security number?
  • Someone who wants to restore dignity, integrity and honor back to Washington or someone who has stooped to the lowest of lows?
  • Someone who believes in smaller government, constitutional values and principled leadership or that the government takes care of you from cradle to grave, citizen or not?

Commissioner Scott Maxwell,
Katie McGiveron, Chair Save Our Neighborhood, Inc.
Candidate for Congress District 22, Col. Allen West

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