Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Letter Ron Klein will never tell you about

Government Reform

Congressman, I hope this gets some personal attention. I sent you the same message earlier through your web site but wanted to double up in hopes of getting through to you. Here goes:

Why Government Reform for the subject of this message? - because I hope you're done with any representations other than being an ambulance chaser starting next January. Wow! Your release of information on Candidate Allen West's lien problems from 2005 (and settled within 4 months of filing) ranks right down there with the lowest political dirtbag moves I've ever seen. And being from the Bronx, I've seen the worst, except maybe from your newfound Chicago cronies.

How can you release an opponent's SSN? Would you do that to me? To others? This was the final straw, boyo! Your insane vote on DADT for the military put me on the ropes and this has clinched it. Your answer on the DADT was filled with smoke and mirrors, a regular dog and pony show. How will you CYA this time? Need any help on military acronyms, ask some one from Colonel West's campaign.

I hope that if I ever meet you on the street, there will be no further reference to Congressman attached to your besmirched name. Thanks for nothing.

Capt. Peter J. Matthews, U.S.M.C. Retired

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