Sunday, September 26, 2010

Step down Jack

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“If you were an applicant, would you want to wait for a year to get a decision made on your application?” McDonald said. “I understand there are times when residents feel government is not responsive to them. But I think ultimately the decision should remain where it is.”

This is what the Mayor of Palm Beach just said regarding Amendment 4. He just doesn't get it!!!!! If a developer wants a local government to change its Comprehensive Plan for a land-use, that developer can pay for a special election if he's in such a hurry.

Read about the up-coming debate in Palm beach and why we need Amendment 4. Oh yes, Jack, why not just step down?


  1. So, who financed this ignorant loser's campaign? T reports, anybody ? Bet he was financed up the whazoo by his developer friends! Jackie does what is best for the developers,not the taxpayers of Palm Beach. Say goodbye to your office next election, Jackie boy!

  2. e-mail from my friend Steve--

    If this amendment fails and the public eats all the bullcrap from opponents, then the public deserves as much rush hour traffic and congestion as government stooges can heap on them and you KNOW if it fails, they will be passing comp plan changes by the tens of thousands laughing all the way to the bank while the dumb ass public thinks it did the right thing.

