Monday, September 27, 2010

Bailedout Developers continue to Fight Florida citizens

Developers are becoming more and more greedy as they use bailout money to fight residents across Florida--

Message from Jan Bergemann

Let's face it--Developers have fallen on hard times in Florida, caused by growth-mismanagement and overbuilding. Some have already spent future earnings -- and folded! Others try to avoid the inevitable by using the owners, who already had the bad luck to invest their life-savings in buying a home in one of their communities, as their cash cow to finance bills that would normally have to be paid by the developers.

Over the years provisions have been added to FS 720 to protect owners against developer abuse, but due to the lack of enforcement, developers play the deep-pocket game and sue owners for libel and/or slander who dare to complain against due-increases.

Developers know full well that many homeowners don't have the finances to successfully defend themselves -- and rather shut up in exchange for withdrawal of the lawsuit.

The number of complaints from owners against developers is growing and so is the number of lawsuits! Here is one example of a developer who thinks he got his feelings hurt when one of the owners compared him -- according to his interpretation -- to Adolf Hitler. I wonder what developers expect to be compared to? The Virgin Mary or the Holy Saints?

Equipped with absolute power -- so they think -- they are considered dictators by unhappy owners. And like it or not, the first people who come to mind when using the word dictator are Adolf Hitler and/or Joseph Stalin.

How do these developers think duped homeowners feel? Many of these homeowners lost a lot more than just their good name and reputation. The actions of the developer put them in a financial bind -- or even financial disaster.

On Friday, September 24, CCFJ (Cyber Citizens For Justice) held a town hall meeting in Lady Lake, an area where many homeowners struggle with financial abuses caused by actions of developers!

Info Town Hall Meeting

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