Monday, September 20, 2010

Lisa Maxwell on Sunset

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Lisa Maxwell said tonight that she is "pretty knowledgeable on the law" and developer's rights are very clear. Well, tell that to a real attorney that the City hired for advice on the Sunset parcel. Tell that to Richard Grosso, one of the most reknown land-use attorneys in the State of Florida who will disagree with her.

She was a member of the Planning & Zoning Board at the time the Sunset parcel was annexed into Lake Worth and approved the annexation and upzoning of a single family neighborhood for two land speculators. As she said that she did not read blogs--that they were "arcane"--I can assure her that I have no secret knowledge on Sunset or any other matter within this City. We have spent years trying to protect this neighborhood and everything is documented.

In order that Ms. Maxwell can refresh her memory (someone pass it on), ON THE FACTS, CLICK HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa ,you have NO business being a city Commissioner. You are not a fair person. You do not stand for the rights of the people.You know NOTHING about the law as it applies to this case.Katie Mcgiveron
