Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Greedy Groups are against FL Amendment 4

Citizens for Lower Taxes and a Stronger Economy (the "Vote No on 4" campaign) is the umbrella organization that leads opposition to Amendment 4 and headed by "Lyin" Ryan Houck. Everything about this Group is a lie, even its name.

Some of those directly responsible for Florida's economic predicament are:

National League of Cities former President, Clarence Anthony

Florida Chamber of Commerce President, Mark Wilson

AFL-CIO Executive Committee member, Frank Ortis.

Florida Tax Payer

Everyone must follow the money to understand why groups such as the Florida League of Cities, Associated Industries and the Florida Association of Realtors tell the lies and are spending $15 million to fool the general public. Some of these people are the ones to blame for the crash of Florida's economy. Look to see how long their pockets are. Taxpayers across the State are experiencing empty pockets and higher taxes because of land-use changes that have gone against common sense.

Hometown Democracy president Lesley Blackner issued this statement after recent media coverage about an “Industry Mobilization Plan” being undertaken by the powerful opponents to Amendment 4, or Hometown Democracy:

“It is bad enough that major Florida employers are squandering millions of dollars to oppose giving voters a seat at the table, money that could instead go into growing their businesses and hiring new employees. Now, they have devised a plan to have those same employers lean on their workers to join their pro-overbuilding campaign and even provide lists of employees names to the anti-Amendment 4 campaign team."

The Vote No group had a Regional Rally in Orlando on September 14 and the ONLY people who attended were members of the various above mentioned groups...speaking to their own greedy choir for the photo op.

In case you missed it the first time-

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