Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Easy Way Out

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Although small numbers took the two polls and therefore the significance is questionable, the results reflect the point of views of readers here who took the time. The results are as follows:

1. The city is closing our pool for 8 months out of the year during high season to save money - do you agree? 55 took poll

2. Should LW install downtown pay-stations at 6 city parking lots? 67 took poll

As these two issues are in the Budget to be voted upon this month, will the City Commission listen to the people? Will it listen to the Finance Advisory Board? Or will it pass the budget, as is, raising fees and reducing services, always the easy way out.

The City raised EVERY fee last year plus millage. They are trying to find ways of creating revenue but instead come up with ways to tax the citizen more with red-light camera suggestions, parking fees downtown, certificate of use fees on landlords every time there is a turn-over of Lessee, increasing the parking fees at the beach by 50%, etc. Instead of collecting the tens of millions owed to us, they stick it to us.

We just spent $424,000 to get the pool ready for competition and for use. Why do we spend money like this just to shut it down? We will be spending $150,000 for maintenance during those 8 months of closure. We will also be using the pool area as a staging area for the construction of the new Casino. I can well imagine what it will look like after all that.

Wellington finished its Olympic pool in May and they are now ready for swim events. They will be taking all of our potential income and marketing its pool for national events. Read about it HERE. "It's not going to take long for swim teams in this area to hear about it, or for European swim teams to come here," said Wellington's the pool's renovation designer, Alex Lesnett of Aquatic Technologies in Oakland Park.

In the meantime, Public Works comes up with a Plan to shut down our pool and lay off workers--to install red-light cameras--to have parking pay-stations downtown and the Director gets a raise for all his efforts. Now it will up to the Commission to sort through it and hopefully make some sense and fairness out of it all. Will they listen to the people?


  1. What happened to we don't want to be like Delray, we don't want to be like Wellington? Those were your favorite politcal grenades you like to throw around. Guess what- Delray's downtown is booming safe and clean. Wellington will be holding swimming competitions for years to come. Maybe some of those international visitors will come to visit Lake Worth beach, get to Dixie highway see they're in a 3rd world country and turn around and bring their spending money staight back to Wellington, completely bypassing Lake Worth.
    But hey we're not like Wellington.

  2. Thanks so much for your very interesting perspective but totally negative opinion of Lake Worth. Let's build up and invest in our city, not bring it down.

  3. This town is not just about Dixie Hwy. You probably want meters too.

  4. This is one of the reasons I will not vote for Mulvehill. Making our City a tourist destination requires that you get our house in order. She had to know that destroying our code enforcement department would add to the blight, that allowing our city to become a sanctuary city for illegals would cause home values to fall faster than any other south Florida city and thereby cause a financial crisis that now requires we close our pool. Fix our neighborhoods and the tax dollars will start to come back. Instead of going to Europe stay home and work on solving our problems.

  5. No matter what I say, we will not ever agree on this one.

    Mulvehill went to Europe on her DIME, not the City's. While she was there for her own business as I recall, she networked and formed aliances. Tourism will be what turns this City around once the Casino is built. She knows it. I know it and everyone else knows it.

    As far as Code, the entire Commission went along with the City manager. Code was not working. Fines were not being collected. Houses were not being repaired. There was supposed to be an alternate Plan. When you have $60,000,000 in code fines UNCOLLECTED, there is a big problem. Wayne Bergman is in charge and I have faith in him to get it done.

    She did not allow this city to become a sanctuary city. That was Cara, Jo-Ann and Jeff Clemens. The Mentoring Center is on the chopping block and under Susan Stanton, will possibly be closed. I hope that is still the plan.

  6. Mulvehill supported 100% Cara and Golden's policy to allow this city to become a sanctuary city for illegals and supported the Day Labor center. We went from 13 code officers to 3 under Mulvehill's probusiness run and during her two years in office, code attacked most businesses and made it difficult or impossible to work here. Your lady Cara Jennings got her power because she had Mulvehill's full support. I don't buy that code wasn't working so we should do away with the department. If code wasn't working it was because Cara and her gang of 3 wanted it that way. The department had little support from these 3 women. I do agree that Jeff was also to blame for the Day Center.

  7. We need to get our house in order? What about the entire country? P*ss poor shape I would say. Get rid of all people breaking the law. Bring back code enforcement.
