Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Downtown Paid Parking Concept in Lake Worth

This is an effective campaign for the "Vote NO" folks who are against paid parking downtown. There are just a few things that I would like to clear up for accuracy--

1. Although the idea of paid parking was discussed in a workshop, brought forward by Joe Kroll of Public Works, it has not yet been voted upon.

2. It will not be parking meters as described above but parking pay stations.

3. If voted in, the pay-stations will only be on the city owned parking lots, not the city streets.

I asked Starbucks this morning who put the poster on their bulletin board. The manager on duty had no idea. She said that it was a community bulletin board and if the message had to do with the community, then Starbucks allowed it. I then asked if I could put up a message regarding certain people in the community and that they all sucked...would that be acceptable?

So, folks, remember Starbucks if you have any message, true or false or inaccurate, regarding anything in our community. It is allowed. In the meantime, the poster was distributed by a member of our community to all the businesses downtown. Many of them have it displayed in their window and not one of them asked the distributor who he was or who he represented.

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