Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Vote Yes on Amendment 4

Well, if he would listen to the facts, he would be for 4

The Pac, Businesses Aligned for Change, is against Amendment 4. Shanon Materio, Pac member, said this to the Post reporter, Willie Howard. No surprise here. These are the same people who were against the SuperMajority. I have no reason why. If you have your bought, compromised and paid for candidates in office, no problem. But what about when honest people get elected? What then? Would it not be advantageous at that time to at least have a vote? This is democracy in action.

While at the demonstration today, I was wearing my Vote YES T-shirt for Amendment 4. A gentlemen, associate of the Lindsey PAC made a remark after seeing my shirt that he believed in a Republic. So I asked him if he didn’t believe in the people’s right to vote and he repeated that he believed in a Republic. Giving him one scenario that he agreed to, he asked that I give him 55 million more reasons to support Amendment 4.

Democracy, autonomy and capacity are the standards of accountability of a strong republic. Voters need a seat at the table. We're the ones who watch tax dollars that go to extend the police, fire, water, sewer, schools and roads to new developments. Is a new development worth it? We should get a vote to decide. We should get a vote before we are forced to pay.

Ironically, this gentleman, along with Shanon Materio and her PAC and other supporters such as the Mayor, were there to demonstrate against incumbent politicians in support of their opponents. This is the very reason why a Republic sometimes needs a little help when it comes to three votes from a Dais voting on unwanted development and sprawl.

I honestly don’t think it takes more than one main reason for most people to understand why a YES vote is the only vote on November 2. Do you?

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