Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Aura of Neutrality Disappeared on the Steps of City Hall

Comment Up
Careless politics especially as a Chair person-
destroying the aura of neutrality

The Crowd

Fed up with falling property values and high electric rates, a new PAC was formed, Businesses Aligned for Change, in order to support Carla Blockson and Lisa Maxwell for Commissioners Lake Worth.

Shanon Materio, Lake Worth business owner and on the Board of this PAC, believes that Cara Jennings is responsible for all our problems and that Commissioner Mulvehill misrepresented herself by running as a pro-business candidate.

Mayor Varela holding Greg Rice's dog

The PAC blames Mulvehill on our empty store fronts, our high utility rates as she "pursues a social agenda." The depression has nothing to do with this, right? The fact that members of the PAC and their friends supported Jeff Clemens who voted in bad contracts has nothing to do with this, right? The fact that we are building our own Reverse Osmosis plant, a multi-million dollar over-haul to our Utility has nothing to do with high bills, right?

Carla Blockson, Candidate District 2 &
Lisa Maxwell, Candidate District 4

Okay then, you are all pro-business. What are your solutions? Will you negotiate lower rents from these greedy landlords? What exactly will you do to attract business? Call the Chamber of Commerce that can't attract business either? What?

The official Slate will be set tonight by the Commission: This is the list of qualified candidates for the November 2 election:

Commissioner, District 2

Carla Blockson
address exempt from public records
Lake Worth, FL 33460

Christopher McVoy
1514 15th Avenue North
Lake Worth, Fl 33460

Commissioner, District 4

Lisa Maxwell
1218 South Lakeside Drive
PO Box 1146 Lake Worth, FL

Suzanne Mulvehill (incumbent)
PO Box 452
Lake Worth, Fl 33460

1 comment:

  1. The underhanded vicious low brow element, is coming again to the surface.
    Laurence ,a perfect gentleman, was attacked by those jackals,dirty realtors, vicious group of Lake Worth Citizens. That sewage formed a gang against him, out of fear that once in the history of Lake Worth, this City would get an honest, well-bred City serving , uncorruptable Mayor.

    The so-colled friends of Laurence 8years ,showed their true underhanded,ugly personalities. brought 5 dirty opponents to the table, who in an honest environment never would have gotten any chance,as they found out.Sewage ganged up like slum people they are,to knee cap Laurence campaign for honest,clean Mayor. They are not honest and want a corruptable element on the Commission.Suzanne Mulvehill stopped that, after he gave the City a Charter Amenment protecting all public parks,land(Beach) and stopped many corrupt plans of the sleazy Commission members!He and I, pressured the corrupt Commissions for 7 years to exit the false extortionate FMPA contract for years,they refused till Suzanne Mulvehill's election to the Commission.
    May the Citizens who brought that on this City get what they deserve. Lindsay is the first subject of life's retribution!

    God, thank you, on to the next vicious jackals!
    Next, the vicious Lake Worth element, without any sense of honor , result of poor,street upbringing.
    224 houses in Lake Worth are for sale from $34.000,- to $60,000.- ,2B/R- 1BA to 5 B/R - 2/BA,thieves in the administration keep talking about wanting to create affordable housing!They could not create that with that little money! Watch them!

    Dee Mcnamara, Citizens interests Advocate!
