Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Palm Beach County says NO to more affordable housing

The Palm Beach County Commission was deadlocked yesterday, 3/3, on a vote to extend affordable housing into rural areas. The idea died at the dais. We are probably all lucky that Jeff Koons is no longer on the Commission as the vote would have passed. Citing a glut of inexpensive housing, Santamaria, Marcus and Abrams said that extending the program would only allow landowners to make more money on development.

On August 18, the Lake Worth Finance Advisory Board also said “no” to spending CDBG funds on affordable housing in Lake Worth. Most housing in Lake Worth is affordable, losing half its value over the last two years. Since that meeting, Staff has rescinded the request to Palm Beach County.

Even though this is not an Amendment 4 issue, it just shows the power of a commission and its direct responsibility for the over-development of housing units across our State. Politicians do not like Amendment 4 as they really don't care what the people want. They think that they know better as they hold the developer's hand.

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