Tuesday, August 31, 2010

FL Chamber against the Florida taxpayer

Message from Dori-

Proof that the Chamber of Commerce puts the interest of Big Business at any Cost to the Taxpayer...

“The Florida Chamber of Commerce is disappointed in Thursday’s ruling striking down SB 360. Legislation intended to reduce excessive regulations, stimulate investment, and create jobs has instead been tied up in costly, taxpayer-funded litigation for over a year," said Adam Babington, vice president for Government Affairs at the Florida Chamber of Commerce in a released statement.

The cities involved in the lawsuit, however, maintain that taxpayers would have been the hardest hit had the legislation been allowed to stand.

"Basically, this bill would've shifted the burden of traffic and roadway mitigation onto the taxpayers," said Eric Hersh, mayor of Weston, one of the cities that was a lead plaintiff in the case. "We've had an unprecedented amount of growth before the law. You can't say that (striking down SB 360) stymies growth, that's nonsense," he said.

Sunshine State News

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