Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Is Palm Beach County Preparing for Amendment 4

Now with the Primary election over, we all need to get in gear for the general election on November 2. Palm Beach County is. It is preparing itself for Amendment 4.

There is a one-half page public notice in today's paper with all the changes the County wants to do. Density is up in almost every single case.

Polo Club Residential, 29.5 acres, from Low Residential (2units to an acre) to Low Residential (3 units to an acre)

Andalucia Residential, 58.03 acres, from Low Residential (2units to an acre) to Low Residential (3 units to an acre) and to Medium Residential (5 units per acre)

Gulfstream Polo, 95.8 acres, from Low Residential (2 units per acres) to Multiple Land Use with commercial low-office and Medium Residential (5 units per acre)

Lake Worth/Lyons NE, 19.17 acres, from Low Residential (2 units per acres) to Low Commercial with an underlying low residential

Villages of Windsor, 22.5 acres, from low residential (2 units per acre) to high residential (8 units per acre)

Lion County Safari, 637.16 acres, changing it from Rural to Exurban and from commercial recreation with underlying (1 unit per acre) to commercial recreation (2.5 units per acre).

Sluggett Commercial, 64.48 acres,

Seuss Institutional, 4.96 acres, from Rural Residential (5 units per acres) to Institutional and Public Facilities

Reduce the right-of-way on Wabasso Drive from 80 feet to 60 feet

Natural area additions, 150 acres on north side of Indiantown Rd, from Rural Residential (1 unit per ten acres) to Conservation.

Natural area additions, 254 acres on north side of Indiantown Rd, from Rural Residential (1 unit per ten acres) to Conservation.

Natural area additions, 5 acres on south side of Indiantown Rd, from Rural Residential (1 unit per ten acres) to Conservation.

Check page 9 of today’s Post for the rest of the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan and to the Future Land-Use Atlas.

Vote YES On Amendment 4, November 2

in order to put a stop to all these never-ending land-use changes and allow the residents to vote on those that affect their neighborhood.

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