Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Catch the Buzz for Allen West

Two months ago or so, and at the last minute, Allen West had a challenger in his race for Republican District 22 for Congress. No one ever heard of David Brady not even Sid Dinerstein, head of the Republican Party Palm Beach County. Where did he come from? Who was behind him? He raised zero funds that we know of. No one seems to know anything about the guy other than he is a builder. Let's ask the Democrats. Let's ask Ron Klein. He was put in the race to put a cog in the wheel...a thorn in the side of Col. Allen West. He was there to denigrate West. We know for a fact that there has been some sleazy tactics by Democrats in this campaign. The Palm Beach Post's liberal Editorial Board leaped on the left wheel of political diatribe and endorsed Brady. Now we see first-hand how a newspaper can influence an uninformed electorate.

Col. West, in spite of the Post's endorsement for Brady, an unknown by everyone (even himself), got 74.11% of the Republican vote. The Post mentioned West on page 5 of the local section not even bothering to give his percentage of win.

See what the buzz is all about and why Allen West is the Best and why we can no longer accept the status quo because it is NOT working. Democrats continue to blame it on Republicans when the fact of the matter is they are in control--continue on with their entitlement programs just adding $27 billion more to a Stimulus program that has failed. In fact, Congress has failed the American people.

We need a leader. We need a man with a real vision. We need Allen West.

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