Friday, August 27, 2010

Commissioner Scott Maxwell officially launches his Blog

Always being up and positive about Lake Worth, fellow Commissioners, the City Manager, Assistant City Manager and the City Attorney, as well as a team player,:) Scott is looking for contributors (fair and balanced and factual I presume) to help him. This was forwarded to me by someone on his "preferred" e-mail list.
Announcing the Grand Opening of Commissioner Scott Maxwell's Blog!
Commissioner Scott Maxwell

Dear Friends,

I'm excited to officially announce the "Grand Opening" of my new Blog!

By keeping you, your friends, and your neighbors up-to-date with the latest city related topics I believe important to most, I hope to encourage everyone interested in Lake Worth to visit as well.

Everyone is invited to visit my Blog regularly to learn more of how together we can all help create a better Lake Worth!

While this Blog is still a work in progress, I could really use your help with maintaining this important undertaking, so I am looking for contributors to assist me with the ongoing maintenance of the Blog!.

If you would like to share your important Blog talents and or contribute news and events with those who have the same passion for making Lake Wort the best it can be, I'd appreciate your valuable assistance and input for immediate communication & publication,

Please forward this email to anyone who might be interested to help me spread the word.

To see my Blog, just click the "Visit My Site" button in this email.

If you feel you have reached this email in error or would like to be removed from this email list, please email me at:

to have your email address removed as soon as possible.

Thank You Again for your time and interest.

Best regards,


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