Thursday, August 26, 2010

Allen West's first TV campaign ad

Ron Klein came out against Allen West today. Where has he been the last several years? No one has heard a peep out of him. Luckily he was living well and safe while Col. Allen West was serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now that it is election time, we finally get to hear Klein's vicious attack against a great American. Who doesn't have credit card debt? But Ron Klein wants to beat up on Allen West, a man with a distinguished record and a hero and someone all of us out here admire. Read here for the facts.

Allen West's campaign responded: "It's sad that Klein has chosen to play politics as usual at a time when our country needs principled leadership - especially considering the fact that he flat out lied about Allen ever having an IRS lien in Marion County. Let me say this again. Allen West, and his wife Dr. Angela M. Graham-West have never resided, nor owned property in Marion County, IN, and there was never a valid IRS lien placed upon them. Since Ron Klein approved this message, then Ron Klein owes the West family a formal public apology for this outrageous lie in his first campaign ad in 2010.

Allen West said, "When one considers that Ron Klein is questioning the roughly $15,000 my family has or is working to repay, I have several questions for Ron Klein: What about the trillions of dollars you have wasted at the taxpayer's expense? As a Member of the House Financial Services Committee, why did you allow American taxpayer-funded TARP money to be provided to foreign banks and financial institutions? Why did you allow your office to exceed its allocated operating budget? Why do you refuse to take accountability for the failure of stimulus money to actually stimulate the economy? While you sat on the House Financial Services Committee, South Florida has seen its unemployment rate more than triple from 4% to nearly 13%."

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