Sunday, August 8, 2010

Col. Allen West for Congress

Sgt. Robert Delgaldo tells you how Col. Allen West saved his life and expounds on West's great leadership.

The progressive media, that is more left than left, is spouting lies telling you that Col. Allen West abused a prisoner. This is all they have in order to promote Ron Klein, their Democrat candidate. Even our leftest government thinks that these terrorists should have some sort of rights. This is a War and the enemy does not have rights. What will the government make our soldiers do next? Ask a prisoner for his permission to interrogate him? Give him his Miranda rights? It has gotten stupid beyond imagination. Allen West didn't abuse anyone. Through his scare tactic, Col. West ended up saving American lives by getting information of an incoming attack.

I would like to know why our government just can't conduct a war and win it. Instead, we have to pussy foot around, worrying about enemy "rights." It is no wonder we have little respect around the globe. It is no wonder that we can't win a war. What we do, by these ridiculous policies, is lose American lives.

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