Monday, August 9, 2010

Brian Moore for Governor

Brian Moore, running for Governor, answered how he felt about Amendment 4. He is one of the few politicians running for office who is honest and not afraid of losing power to voters. Voting is our right. Getting a say as to how our communities should look should be up to those who pay the taxes. Brian understands. And we want you to understand also.

From: Brian Moore
Subject: Amendment 4
Date: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 7:43 PM

I support amendment 4 and said so on CBS, Ch 12 TV last night in Boca Raton forum with McCollum and Chiles. They both opposed it.

I think is is important for citizens to have final say over their comprehensive plans, especially what impacts their lives.

Thanks, Brian

Brian Moore for Governor
Democrat, Florida, 2010
PO Box 5742
Spring Hill, Florida 34611
Cell: 352-585-2907

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