Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Truth, the Whole Truth

Commissioner Scott Maxwell says,

July 5, 2010

Unfortunately, last week's Commission attempt to select new citizen volunteers for the various city boards was marred by the flagrant lack of adherence to the city ordinance that governs the process.

As it would turn out, the first vote taken to select board members was disregarded and discarded by the majority of the commission lead by Jennings and Mulvehill. In the end it appears that the selections were predetermined and the effort of interviewing and "voting" was simply for show.

The audio for the 11 hour interviewing marathon is currently being analyzed to determine the extent of the violations of our ordinance.

There has been some discussion within the community about filing a legal challenge to this issue. We'll have to see how this plays out.

His statement was true up to the point where he puts the blame on Jennings and Mulvehill. If he had cited the Mayor and all three Commissioners, his statement would have credibility. This statement is just the beginning of negative politics for the November election and a Commission that he has vowed to over-turn.

Commissioner Maxwell objected to the proceedings and although dramatic, he was right in principle to leave the process and not be a party to it.

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