Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Noise in Lantana

Correction to Yesterday's announcement from Lantana Chamber on Noise Ordinance.

7-12-10--To follow up with our 411 sent today in reference to the Town Council Meeting tonight; July 12th 7:00pm at Town Hall we would like to correct what was sent and apologize for any inconvenience. The Town does NOT have a live music ordinance. They will be proposing to revise the entire zoning code and one of the changes would add some regulations for outdoor dining areas or sidewalk cafes which have grown in number over the past few years. Here are the proposed changes. #6 would allow music to be played in the outdoor dining area until 9 pm.

Open air dining on private property, as accessory to a restaurant, provided that:

(1) The operation of such business shall not interfere with the circulation of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on the adjoining streets, alleys or sidewalks.
(2) Any open-air dining at a retail food establishment shall be in compliance with all state and local regulations and the applicant shall be required to submit a maintenance plan for review and approval by the City, and shall meet all requirements of this section.
(3) The open-air dining area shall be unenclosed and shall be open except that it may be covered with a canvas cover or structural canopy.
(4) All kitchen equipment used to service the open-air dining area shall be located within the kitchen of the primary restaurant or business.
(5) The open-air dining area shall be kept in a neat and orderly appearance and shall be kept free from refuse and debris.
(6) No music or other audio (live or recorded) or video shall be performed or played except within an enclosed building between the hours of 9:00 PM and 8:00 AM.

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