Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Letter to the Editor on Sanctuary Cities

Letter To The Editor For Saturday, July 3

Jupiter a sanctuary for illegal immigrants

Jupiter saw the light and became a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. That's right! Look it up!

"Sanctuary city" is a term given to cities that follow practices that protect illegal immigrants, and Jupiter along with Lake Worth are the model cities in the state of Florida.

Generally, sanctuary policies instruct city employees not to notify the federal government of the presence of illegal aliens living in the community.

According to Town Councilman Jim Kuretski and Mayor Karen Golonka, "immigrants perform work and services that many Americans won't. Immigrants pay taxes to local governments and they are eager to learn English."

The city officials' justification for creating sanctuary cities is often under the guise of protecting "immigrant rights." But illegal aliens are not immigrants. Immigrants come to the U.S. legally and maintain their legal presence. When a person is illegally smuggled into the U.S. or violates visa restrictions, he or she is not an immigrant or visitor, but an illegal alien subject to deportation. Except in Jupiter!

What can we do to help stop sanctuary policies? Demand change!



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