Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Florida is Tops when it comes to Crooked Politicians

Data from the department of Justice Report 2008

According to Dahn Batchelor, retired lawyer, TV producer and news writer, "the Public Integrity Section of the federal Department of Justice sites more than 15,000 elected officials and civil servants that were convicted of betraying the public trust for personal power or financial gain between 1999 and 2008.

Two-thirds of Americans tell pollsters that they believe all politicians are corrupt. That may not be literally true, but it's not far from the sad reality.

The public has a real distaste for politicians, and the feeling seems to be reciprocated. There is clearly a sense of greed and a sense of entitlement among politicians."

The United States ranks 19th in transparency
according to Transparency International.

To help eradicate this power of corruption, Florida Hometown Democracy will take away the money under the table vote. If residents can vote on land-use changes instead of just the politicians who sit on the dais, the influence peddling will come to a screeching halt.

Here in Florida we have had massive corruption throughout the last two decades involving developers and elected officials. More and more of them are exposed every day. Palm Beach County sent several to prison and here in Lake Worth, we have had horrible recommendations from our Planning & Zoning Board and irresponsible votes from the dais.

It is time this November 2nd that we help end that and tell the politicians, the developers, the Chamber of Commerce, the Realtors and all those only interested in lining their pockets or making money at the expense of our great State, that we have had enough.

Vote YES on Amendment 4.

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