Saturday, June 5, 2010

Susanne Mulvehill, an optimistic commissioner

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If we have given up on thinking even the least bit positive regarding the future of our City, then we just as well should call it a day. Give up our Charter. Sit back and let some other boobs figure it all out for us and then where will we be?

The Lake Worth Herald as well as some continue to lump Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill into some sort of mold that they want her to be in as it is their intent to see her defeated at the polls this November 2. They don't need any particular reason; they just want their "guy" there--a candidate who voted for The Lucerne and against Sunset.

Commissioner Mulvehill is an upbeat commissioner and one who is looking at all the positives for Lake Worth and continues to look for ways to market our City and put us on the right course. She is not in lock-step with anyone. She does her own research and comes to her own conclusions. Even at this last commission meeting she said that she was against illegal immigration but still the Lake Worth Herald said that she "championed the cause of illegals" and threw her into the same pot of those who are on the extreme.

The lies are beginning. They will get worse. We will be here to see it through.

Wouldn't you rather be around an optimist who looks at the glass as half full and actually has a vision filled with solutions?

1 comment:

  1. Suzanne Mulvehill is the only Commissioner Lake Worth has ,with an MBA and who is consistently 100%
    loyal to Lake Worth.
    She always votes for what brings quality of life improvement and last spearheaded the Rick Gonzalez,expert historicre-creation green certified architect,as he is the only one above all who bid for the job of re-creation of our Jewel of the Gold Coast, proven source of tremendous revenue,prior to barbaric crude ugly remodeling to todays' concrete box!No source of revenue to cover our services! .The dead, forclosed green concrete block on our Lake Avenue is the failure of Living Design, who promotes
    ugly cheap primitive creations,and whom Varela,Maxwell and Golden(who promised 1921 casino re-creation as her top priority!)want to force down our throats with our money to secure foreclosure on our Beach!

    Proof is the Lake Avenue stillborn of their choice!
    People will not come to spend money in crude ugly environments!
    We have proof!
    Those mean no revenue but foreclosure!
    No product of the true Commissioner, Suzanne Mulvehill,
    who wants to bring Lake Worth UP not Down with ugly concrete blocks with a few sticks under it,ready for foreclosure!
    Dee McNamara
