Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rally against Florida Hometown Democracy and grassroots initiative

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Broward Workshop has organized a huge rally against Florida Hometown Democracy. They will be demonstrating and having a fundraiser this Wednesday, June 9, in front of the Yolo Restaurant and O Lounge, one of their sponsors.

These are the people who are mainly responsible for our development problems in Florida. These are the people with more money than God: Wayne Huizenga, former majority owner of the Miami Dolphins, will be there as well as many lawyers, banks, developers, politicians and businesses that derive their money from development at any cost to our State.

The fundraiser is attempting to raise $100,000 with a $250 minimum donation for their cause to defeat the grassroots of FHD who are behind responsible growth. The first $100,000 raised will be matched by this Group. The Host Chair is Mayor Frank Ortis of Pembroke Pines, a director of Floridians For Smarter Growth, the anti-Florida Hometown Democracy PAC, the PAC that failed to get on the ballot.

The future projections For Broward County, already with a population of 1,623,018 people with 95% of them living in municipalities, will have a growth of 2.5 million by 2030. Western Broward will continue to grow as undeveloped land is absorbed.

The Palm Beach Post was right when it said back on March 10, 2009, "Even with the Growth Management Act, Florida's population grew from nearly 11 million to almost 20 million. The state's economy is in trouble from overbuilding, not underbuilding. Opponents of growth management, though, are using hard times as the latest reason to undermine state oversight of development and leave it to local officials."

Local officials have been the problem. You have to ask yourself, why are all these same types against Florida Hometown Democracy, a group whose only interest is to protect our State? Could the common thread be “greed?” With certain cities, they want the tax base no matter the cost.

Vote YES on Amendment 4 this November 2.


  1. Lynn, I love your column and read it all the time. Thanks for the info about this greedy group of Gordon Gekko's. As one observer noted, 'with these characters involved, I know that the opposite side (Amendment 4)is the one worth supporting!' By the way, at the end of your column you say, "they [the pols] want the tax base no matter the cost," but this is the old canard they and the developers try to foist on us every time. That new homes/residents will 'increase the tax base.' Study after study (including one from the 1000 Friends of Florida, which is basically a developers' organization,' reveal that new homes cost present taxpayers up to $2.45 for new, extended infrastructure and services for every $1 they bring in. Thus, new developments COST the taxpayers plenty. Their old "increasing the tax base" ploy has been shown up for what it is: a ruse to dupe the public into handing over their tax dollars into the developers' pockets. That's why Amendment 4 supporters (and the polls show that even now, at this early stage, that's about 78% of Floridians are saying, "We want a say before we have to pay." Yep, "no taxation without representation!"

  2. Developer Moguls invest in cheap rural land and wait for the market to signal $$ to make their move.
    Like a Beast laying in wait to reap their profits.
    Only this time, there's something different in the wind that is making the Beast uncomfortable, uncertain of their next move. It is a number of grassrooters that have built a 'cage' called Amendment 4 to control the Beast. The net is about to drop on November 2nd and the Beast is struggling to get ahead of its capture, no matter the takedown as many of those grassrooters and defeat caging it's greedy growth.
    What the Beast doesn't know, nor comprehend, is just how many grassrooters there are. All those Citizens sitting quietly in reverence, ready to show their hand as it strikes the Yes box on Amendment 4, their voice on land use changes to be heard forever more. And WE, the People lived happily ever after. Go Yes on 4!
