Thursday, June 24, 2010

Save our Florida Panther - Vote YES on Amendment 4

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In February, five conservation groups filed a lawsuit in federal court in Fort Myers, Florida against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for its failure to designate critical habitat to protect the Florida panther. Listed as an endangered species since 1967, fewer than 100 Florida panthers survive in the wild.

The Conservancy of Southwest Florida, the Sierra Club (David Levy, you should resign), the Center for Biological Diversity, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, and the Council for Civic Associations say they are suing to protect the panther's remaining habitat before it is lost due to sprawl development and climate change.

Read MORE on this....just another reason to vote YES on Amendment 4 this November 2.


  1. Last time I checked, Florida Panthers didn't have the right to vote. If Amendment 4 passes, their habit will be even more in the cross-hairs of developers since their aren't a lot of voters where the panthers live. Lynn, maybe you could explain how that would work, it's so confusing.

  2. But WE might get that right to protect their habitats from greedy developers and crooked politicians making lousy decisions on growth "management."
