Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ethics in Lake Worth afterall?

It has now been two years—TWO YEARS-- since Commissioner Jennings introduced an Ethics Ordinance. The Commission then debated it and debated it. It came back to the Commission on September 16, 2008 and was defeated on a 3 to 2. The biggest opponent was Retha Lowe, the very same one who was charged with an Ethics Complaint by the State of Florida. The entire idea of an Ethics Policy in Lake Worth has been put on the back burner or totally forgotten, take your pick. This was a terrible 3 to 2 commission back then, in every respect, but there is no excuse to let the idea of "ethics" die.

Because of Palm Beach County being known as Corruption County, it created an ethics commission at the recommendation of a State Grand Jury.

Today it was reported that the voters of Palm Beach County may get to decide at the polls to give the County the authority to investigate city and town officials. All municipalities would help pay for the inspector general’s office.

This is a worthwhile Charter Amendment. If Lake Worth can’t act, perhaps the County will.

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